For Sale Bmw R 1250 Gsa Cylinder Head Guards Free

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by Davyd, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. My brother has his new GSA in my garage since 2017 after we toured Europe he left it here and returned home to NY hasn’t turned a wheel since and only 5k on it..anyway he sent these to me from his home in NY. but they are for the 1250 his is the 1200 so he said to give them to anyone who wants them. Just pay postage. There might be a bolt or bobbin missing but no big deal to sort out. IMG_2714.jpeg
  2. Going to hill100.
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  3. So it turns out they are not suitable for hill100. So still available if anyone else wants them.
  4. Hi @Davyd , I've just got a new 1250 GSA, could certainly make use of them if they're still up for grabs pls?
  5. Aye no problem. Let me have your name and address and I’ll get them posted you can see the cost and sure you can PayPal me the cost when you get them if that suits you.
  6. Posted should be with you soon.
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