Has anybody got a break down of where all the different size bolts go when taking a 2013 tank off? Yes, I know! I should have photographed them all!! lol Most are self explanatory, but some of the shoulder bolts aren't. Thanks
If you do, make a note of where they all go! I took pictures of most, thought i would easily remember the rest. Doh! Nope.
Match the depth of the shoulders to the thickness of the panels to be held.I remember the one that holds the ash tray and fuse holder have 2 thicknesses of plastic to go through so need the longer shoulder.
Ok, the large shouldered ones were for the fuse box and cubby hole. I am left with one black and one gold one. There can’t be that many. I have had both left and right tank covers off and all bolts are in! If anybody knows where ALL these go, i would appreciate it. They are both the same as the ones in the rear panels and also the tank panels.