Bonjour mon amis

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Pierre 66, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Hi,
    I`ve been lost in the wilderness since Ducatisti closed. I found this place by accident, thanks for setting it up Rob, hope its a success.

    I have a 1993 900 ss, I`ve had her for nearly two years and she`s my first Ducati. Went to France on her and did my first track day at Cadwell last year.

    My other bike is a 1958-ish BSA trials bike, I ride in Pre-65 and modern competitions, she can be a very dirty old girl but she scrubs up well :)

    I will post some pics.

  2. Hey Pierre. Welcome.

    How did you find us?

  3. Hi Rob,
    been doing some serious lurking on a few, no, a lot of Ducati forums, found myself on UKMOC and Bikergirl posted a link.
    Easy as peas ;)

  4. Sweet. Good to see so many new members so quickly.
  5. Thanks for the pointer Pierre, I'm now registered here.
  6. Welcome Pierre
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