I recently read this book on holiday. I know there are a few here who serve abroad. It really is a compelling read & hard hitting. If you havent' read it, you should. Its not all happy endings, gives you a deep insight into life in Iraq etc.. Normally I wouldnt look at a book but my better half knows what I like ( more than I do ) but brilliant reading, couldnt put it down quite literally.
Then read Sue White's book to get an idea of how the UK treats its veterans when they come back from Iraq and Afghanistan... How one wife coped with her soldier husband's post-traumatic stress - Mirror Online
Interesting interview with Karzai on Newsnight on Monday. He said the allied intervention had achieved nothing. That is a damning indictment of the politicians who sent people over to fuck up lives and get fucked up in return. Can't say I'm surprised - I didn't think it would achieve anything. But so much grief and expense for so little. Will they never learn?
Watched that too. Karzai is corrupt to the core. I'd love to see how he'd of got on without our presence.
Yes. I think you'll find that the whole idea of "the war on terror" was fabricated so that people like Halliburton could make money. They've had 12 years out of it so far.
I didnt want to start another war... this book in no way glorifies anything, its just an insight as to how one aspect of the soldiers who disarm bombs live and work day to day.
It looks like a good book, and I will try to get a copy to read. Sorry if we got a bit "off topic"... The guys out there actually "on the ground" - especially the IED disposal guys - do an amazing job and get very little credit for it. The politicians who sent them out there are not even fit to polish their boots...