Our colonial cousins will love that type of humour, 'they'll no be understanding it at all' (best Scottish accent) The first time I watched Borat I thought to myself meh, later I watched it again and found it quite funny. A few years later I watched it again, I laughed so hard, some wee came out!
Argh yes the helper of silencing dissent if it doesn't suit his pals at the AIPAC, via social mediums like fbibook. Who's those same acquaintances for some reason are not regarded as a foreign agent interferring in USA elections or it's foreign policies. But oh sasha just loves coercing eejits into singing antisemtic supposed idolotry & then claiming he was innocent...ferried away hiding in an ambulance. Which is bemusing as the Isreali's have in times gone past blown up Palestinian ambulances rescuing victims of their apathied policy. All as usual breaking international laws on several levels; medical neutrality. He's not on my xmas card list I'm fairly sure.
Great success! Just finished it - five stars all the way from me. I won’t spoil any of it, but how the feck he got away with some of it without getting shot or pistol whipped astounds me. Chenqui, i like!