
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Should we, as Boris suggests, be humbly thanking the super rich and not bashing them; as well as creating jobs and giving to charity the wealthy should be hailed as Tax Heroes.
    #1 johnv, Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  2. If they had not corralled 80% of the wealth, then we might see a bit more of it. But no, its all tied up in hedges and property.

    The wealthy that spend freely are fine. The arabs are good at this. Gold plated taps sir? How thick would you like the plating sir? Solid gold sir? certainly sir. Or buy silly yachts or daft artworks etc. They keep the economy ticking over. No problems

    Its the wankers that sit on it as if theyre saving up to buy a fucking gold plated diamond encrusted starship that fuck everything up. Oh and the ones that donate to the Conservatives or UKIP. The moderate wings of the right wing nationalist racist daily mail appreciation society.

    Spend it for fucks sake. If you need some help....
  3. If we didn't attract the wealthy as we do, we would be in the same boat as Spain Portugal work keep me close to these spenders,the alternative is too awful to contemplate.
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