On 2nd Saturday of the month is our Box Hill meet so I thought I'd post a reminder. We usually assemble there around 10:00 and folks move off around midday....all very approx timings, depending on numbers, weather, cake etc. Don't tell anyone...but the forecast is looking OK.
Sorry but it is the DOCGB AGM that day,I am hopeing to make the next one as i have not been for ages.
what a smashing meet - glad i made the effort. There was so much to catch up on with so many people that i didn't get a chance to talk to everyone. It seemed like everyone had pounced on the first chance to get out for a proper ride - saw easily 30 Ducati while I was there including an 1199S (didn't take camera)
Took a ride down there with my mate on a demo 1199S for a late lunch. I led the way heading down in my Monster (with full system Termis) and wowzers, all I could hear was the Panigale 30yds behind me!!!! Great for the morning commute
But did anybody take cake!!!? Sorry we weren't there but was enjoying riding around the Lake District. CU next time folks.