So who is going and who wants to meet up at Box to go to Motori Di Marino meet? We can take A25, A287 and few other I do not know. Ride takes about 1h-1h 15 min that way (I would say 1h). So living maximum 08:30. Option two A24, A29 and another little road - that option will take 45 min at best probably less Leaving 08:45 Rykas is usually closed that early on the day so normally no coffee unless some good local with big top box pops out to local petrol station for a coffee run ............. I ain't local and have no top box
Not this year mate, going direct from Kent and meeting a few people at Pease Pottage services. See you down there
I'm not going but you can meet up with others from P&H if you wanted to... RIDE OUT - Horsham Piazza Italia 8 - Good Friday 18th April 2014 | Blog | P&H Motorcycles