Box Hill To Horsham

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. So who is going and who wants to meet up at Box to go to Motori Di Marino meet?

    We can take A25, A287 and few other I do not know. Ride takes about 1h-1h 15 min that way (I would say 1h). So living maximum 08:30.
    Option two A24, A29 and another little road - that option will take 45 min at best probably less :)
    Leaving 08:45

    Rykas is usually closed that early on the day so normally no coffee unless some good local with big top box pops out to local petrol station for a coffee run .............

    I ain't local and have no top box ;)
  2. Not this year mate, going direct from Kent and meeting a few people at Pease Pottage services. See you down there :)
  3. I will be in box about 08:00 departing latest 08:20 to get there.
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