Box Hill Today 1530 ish

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Need to take 996 for a spin to see what is what anyone at Box at that time?
  2. 6 miles up the road you know were I am if you fancy a coffee
  3. I just might we will see.
  4. likewise :)
  5. Good Chris, hope it is as good as it feels.
  6. Found how to remove baffles ....
  7. this must be a record - you will have the engine out by this evening :)
  8. Lucas I need to get out. Are you still going to be at Box around 3:30ish, if you are I will meet you there. Please let me know.
    I shall be on a green Triumph Sprint ST.
    btw if you have a chain splitter/riveter tool, can you lend it to me for 1 day?
  9. Was there earlier. Hope the weather holds for you.
  10. So no one here, plenty of cars and two motorbikes .... One is me
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  11. Billy no mates again Lucas??:biggrin:
  12. Thanks for texting me Lucas. Unfortunately as I hadn't heard from you I went somewhere else. Shame as I was looking forward to seeing the 996. How about some photo's?

    See you soon.
  13. Hi John - if you pick this up please can you clear out some PMs as you have a full box so-to-speak :)
  14. Good to meet L - nice bike.
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