1200 Braided Hoses - Aftermarket Kits?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Bob_Cooper, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Hi guys,

    I was wondering if anyone had fitted aftermarket braided hoses to their Multi. I'm talking single lines to the front via an extended banjo connector at the master cylinder. I think one to the rear may improve rear braking performance too. Can't remember ever seeing any kits available from HEL or Goodridge - anyone know if they're available? Cheers
  2. Stock lines are braided. Other than cosmetics, there's no advantage. If you have the ABS equipped bike, then a two line front won't work as you've got to go to the ABS pump first.
  3. Doh! Completely forgot about the ABS....it is early! :upyeah::Facepalm:
  4. If you check on threads about Brembo M4 callipers there is conversations about doing this, Venhill can make up the right lines.
  5. Right OK - cheers :upyeah:
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