1260 Brake Calliper Spec 1200 Dvt 1260

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by SteveE, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. Can anyone tell me if there is any difference in the brakes (hardware front and back) between 1200S/PP DVT and the 1260S /PP? Thanks in advance
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  2. Fair point and yes according to the parts list they are exactly the same and £600 a side for the two front callipers (blimey!). I’m a bit wary of that parts list as it sometimes says parts are different between the DVT and the 1260 when they’re not eg rear hugger. In my defence I think the problem is probably false negatives (saying they’re not the same when they are) rather than false positives (saying they are the same /compatible when they’re not) :)
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