Brake Disk Questions 6 Hole?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by broadie, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. Hi . Need some help with front disks please. It's on a st4, 320mm, 6 hole, 64mm center. Can anyone tell me what the offset is?
    Looks like a 5mm. I'd also like to know if a 10mm and 15mm offsets are available and from what?
    Many thanks
  2. All the 6 hole Ducati discs should have a 10mm offset except for those from "R" models which are 15mm

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  3. Thanks Derek
    I got it now! offset is across faces I was measuring on the same side, as it's still on the bike.
    I guess the r version is super expensive. Is there a 0 offset option?
  4. As above, standard Ducati is 10mm some 'R' versions use 15mm.

    Can't imagine many bikes have 0 offset on the front as they generally like to get the discs out of the wheel for airflow/cooling (presumably why 'R' bikes are more offset) and also for space to fit the calipers.

    'F' = offset;
  5. If I used the r disc on a 3 spoke brembo will a radial caliper clear the rim?
    I'm thinking of going down the gsxr fork route.
  6. I have 15mm offset discs on my 916 (1198 Ohlins forks & radial calipers) and they are noticeably more 'out' than the 10mm ofset discs on my Monster (neither are anywhere near as 'out' as the huge offset discs on the old Guzzi though).

    But I have no idea what gsxr forks are like and what would be needed to make them work with Ducati wheels?
  7. Great thats what I needed to hear. Think I have a few options now depending on what forks become available.
    Bear in mind that it's only a st4 so budget and bargains are priority. Will keep you guys updated.
    Many thanks
  8. A picture is worth 1000 words, they say;

    10mm offset disc;


    Straight edge on disc face to show how far 'out' from the tyre - around 3mm when central (full-floating disc);


    15mm offset disc;


    Straight edge on disc face to show how far 'out' from the tyre - around 10mm when central (full-floating disc);


    Summary; the 10mm offset disc sits just outside the tyre, although only the outside edge is in direct airflow whilst the 15mm disc sits fully outside the tyre, despite it also being 1mm thicker than the 10mm disc.

    As an aside my old Guzzi discs are 50mm offset and sit 20+mm outside the tyre but it is a narrow wheel and tyre so the overall track is still slightly narrower than the Ducatis.
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