Brand new Aprillia rsv4 for sale

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fujack, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. This is 1 of ! Brand new rsv4 in yellow this is unregistered finance available £11500 no px
  2. What is?
  3. What is what ?
  4. Is there supposed to be a pic. Is there supposed to be a description of some sort?

    Because all I can see is that its yellow, unregistered and £11,500.

    I'd want to know and see a bit more :smile:
  5. Well it's brand new lol what else is there to know !
  6. You aren't in sales for a living perchance? :rolleyes:
  7. Yes it's an RSV4R APRC
  8. Lol if you really want a picture I will take one just for you :)
  9. Ask him to sell it for you, whilst you're at it.....
  10. I'm not in the market for one but maybe someone who is would like to have more details. Just trying to help you, that's all.
  11. Fujack, can you list this into the Classified section please. Cheers
    #13 mattmccabebrown, Feb 9, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2013
  12. I tried but there was no option for new topic
  13. yessssss - i like that alot :biggrin:
  14. Did you like it before he put the picture up? :wink:
  15. it was better than i expected, id have in my garage
  16. Okay cool. I'll email Rob and see if we can get it moved. thanks for the quick reply :upyeah: Lovely bike thou :upyeah:
  17. No problem matey!
  18. Im been speaking with Rob and we're looking into it :smile:
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