1200 Breakdown Recovery Insurance

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by **Topher**, May 13, 2014.

  1. Off on me tours in a few days time and just realised I don't have any Ducati cover any more as over two years old now.
    Can any body recommend a good euro cover that's not going to bust the bank?
  2. :) Contact IAM Surety Adelaide insurance. I've just renewed my European B/D cover with them through Call-Assist (Aria) and they have quoted me £66.30 for a years cover on my 10 Plate MTS. They did a great job for me when I broke down in Belgium recently, so I can recommend them. I did spend some time over the last weekend looking at alternative companies and quotations and no-one got anywhere near them, so give them a try!

    Contact details are: 028-9033-2111 (1st Floor, Boucher Plaza,, 4-6 Boucher Road, Belfast, BT12 6HR. Website- www.iamsurety.com, email: [email protected]

    The cover I have is for:
    Level 6 (Private/Business Use, exc. taxi) - [Pretty much the highest level I believe.]

    Roadside Assistance, Nationwide Recovery, Home Assist & European


    Good luck :upyeah:
  3. I moved everything to Green Flag Personal Cover for me and the missus as it covers any vehicle that you are either driving or a passenger in. As we have 2 cars and 3 bikes, it was costing a fortune to cover everything but switching to GF got it down to £118 for both of us for the year including European.

    I found that RAC also covered motorcycles as part of their Personal Cover, and their quote was competitive, but we were already with GF and the "upgrade" process from named vehicles to personal was easy and the final cost pretty much the same.
  4. The AA do cover that includes cost of repair as well, it's what I have for bikes out of warranty and not worth a separate policy like a warranty. Effectively, it's a two in one recovery and warranty to me. A lot cheaper and a hidden gem in the market if you ask me.
  5. Some good points here guys, perhaps I have approached this the wrong way! I don't take my cars abroad anyway, just the Mutli, so I may still have made the better choice for myself. :confused:
  6. Once you get the price and policy you need I don't think it matters who you use. Most of people who will attend are probably shared and subbed by all the major companies.
  7. MAG - they do a great policy for members which costs £50 Per year for home start, roadside, recovery including European cover. If you have more than one then subsequent bikes can be added at £25 each.

    Obviously you need to be a MAG member, but arguably we all should be anyway to support their work to stop the nanny state killing our pastime off (end of soapbox) ;)
  8. The other option which is probably not applicable for you at the moment is to try and get recovery included in the bike insurance. I have just renewed with Carole Nash and the policy includes EU breakdown recovery and protected NCB. Used the recovery last year and they were very efficient. However as Psy69 said the recovery guy was sub contracted.
  9. I was hunting for a policy as well, we are already RAC personal/family members but the highest European cover was £50 for a week or £113 for an annual, which I thought was a bit of a rip off. Worth noting that they will only cover a repatriation of the bike that doesn't cost more than the value of the bike (I think they may all do this).

    Eurobreakdown.com with Green flag (Silver cover) was £34 for the week or £70 annual. I had a bad experience worth Green Flag a few years ago, does anyone else have experience of what they are like when the chips are down?
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