Breaking Bad

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Only seen season 1 & 2 but its just awesome!... That is all... :upyeah:
  2. I loved it to ,then it went on and on and on.
  3. Not seen it
  4. never heard of it.
  5. 2nd best TV show ever, according to IMDb (Planet Earth by David Attenborough was 1st).

    BB was fantastic - I recently watched the last episode on Netflix.
  6. I think it has won the award of BEST TV show. Absolutely brilliant.
  7. Recently finished the last episode. Imo the best series ever. Magnificent acting from everyone in it and superb casting .

    A very entertaining exploration into the depths of darkness of the human psyche.

    Lets cook!

    If you want to watch it for free Breaking Bad
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Me too
  9. I only heard about it last week and now have all 5 seasons. Currently on episode 2 of season 1.

    Cool so far.
  10. Some episodes are a bit duff but build out the story, I've just started season 4
  11. Thing is, I thought Spartacus was the best... This series rocks!!... Why can't British tv do this stuff?
  12. Never heard of it.

    The last time someone recommended a "best series ever" to me, my mate lent me the entire boxed set of all episodes of 24. I didn't finish the first episode. What a load of shite!
  13. British cant do gritty drama with humour?! New Tricks...whats up with that? Write the theme tune, sing the theme tune...
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Got season 1 to 5 on blu ray now. I'm gonna change my Name to Walter White... He's my hero! If you haven't seen this show, then watch it... Fookin excellent!
  15. Shamelessly resurecting this old thread.

    I saw Aaron Paul on Top Gear last weekend as the star in the reasonably priced car. I'd never heard of him or Breaking Bad. As he got such a good reception and the show was raved about, I thought I'd take a look.

    What a brilliant show, I'm halfway through the second series after 2 days and can see me having a Breaking Bad marathon weekend. :upyeah:

    Walter White........What a guy :biggrin:
    #16 Robarano, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2014
  16. I have watched one episode so far and that was ages ago. I will watch the whole lot eventually via Netflix. So far I prefer The Wire but I am only up to Season 3 on that.

    Counchtuner also have all the episodes and a lot more besides.

    Couch Tuner TV Videos FREE: Watch Online Tv Shows
  17. Totally unforgettable and the best thing I ever watched.

    "stackin' benjis 'till the rubber band pops"
  18. Just finished watching all the House of Cards episodes on Netflix which was just brilliant. BB is next for me.
  19. Watched the first three episodes of series 1 and concluded that my life was not being enriched in any way by watching it, the characters have nothing endearing about them at all and the story line is gratuitously unpleasant.


    Currently revisiting The West Wing.
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