Breaking news:- Bieber still a cock!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Jul 12, 2013.

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  1. He is in danger of becoming the new Michael Jackson... Just hope the little twat never breeds...
  2. He is a twat but disrespecting Clinton is quite funny in my book.

    I'm more disappointed that he apologised.:wink:
  3. It would be so satiafying to punch him and watch him cry !!!!!!!
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  4. No he isn't.

    Michael Jackson had his issues, but he was immensely talented at what he did.

    Whereas Master Bieber...
  5. I'd have put the mop bucket over his head...
    Mind you Bill Clinton .. has cough been guilty of spraying his staff !
  6. +1. Right with you on that:mad:
  7. Cple young (looked 16 at best) walking thru town y'd with 'I love Justin Beiber' tattooed ( and didnt look henna, looked ink) in top of their arms. Wtf were they thinking?

    My money is on 'Justin touched me here, and here, and here..'cases in 30 years time...
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