749 Brembo Caliper Rebuild

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by andy crosse, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. Hi all

    Had to rebuild front calipers on my 749 dark 2004.

    So thought I’d put on here for future reference .

    Calipers are held together with three bolts, 2 outer ones are 40.mm, and the centre one is 30mm. Centre bolt was seized, this can be helped free by tapping the two halves around as there are no interlocking edges.

    The pistons are 34mm wide and 20mm deep. They are available from brembo part number for 4 is 61013019000.
    (I only used 2 so have 2 spare should anyone be looking for some)
    The seals come in a pack of 4 dust and 4 oil, so enough to repair one caliper. Part number 61013019100.
    These are listed as ktm but do fit.
    In my case ,
    The seals were bulging out , this scored the pistons. I found this to be a collection of sediment , used a snapped cocktail stick to scrape it smooth out the recess for the seals.
    Also found my set of circlip pliers worked a treat to fit inside the piston to gently pull them free without damage

    Safe riding
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