Brighton bus lanes open to bikes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by keninsussex, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Couldn't care less :wink:
  2. All those Harly riding, back-less-chaps wearing boys will love that.

    Nice one.
  3. Meeeeeeeooooow lol!
  4. Seriously they just need to roll the dam thing out uk wide!

    Push bikes that pay nowt to go on the road and without meaning to offend decent cyclists the lot by me run lights , have no lights, and hold up traffic .
    We have an entire stretch of Cycle lanes , underpasses that are purpose built and do they use them?
    Do they hell!
    Still ride 2 abreast in some nasty Lycra outfit slow as you like on the main road ignoring the purpose built .
    Or trying to ride up hill when they can't and causing a massive tailback :(
    They get all this stuff built for them.

    We as bikers are vunarable outlet transport is greener then cars , we pay fuel duty and road tax yet we are treated like second class citizens!

    We deserve a break and bus lanes everywhere should be opened to us!
    Rant over :)
  5. 4/10 :smile:
  6. Im with HC on this one, makes sense to open them all to motorcycles and scooters. We're certainly not going to be getting in the way :biggrin:
  7. 0/10 :frown:
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  8. in Salisbury some you can some you can't - just wish they'd make their
    minds up

    cyclists hate us using them which is reason enough - infact I think I may have discovered a new sport

    as cyclists can even be bothered to use the cycle paths round here I might start using them as well
  9. Keep death off the roads. Ride on the pavement :upyeah:
  10. [​IMG]changed your diet lately E.T.?
  11. I'm thinking about moving to Brighton next year so that's good news :upyeah:

  12. let us all know if you do, there's a few of us down this neck of the woods :wink:
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