Britain's Got Talent

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, May 27, 2013.

  1. No it hasn't.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Too true, its shite but the boss has the remote.......
  3. total and utter dross

    thread closed
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  4. I agree. Closed. Fact.
  5. im enjoying it, stop moaning
  6. Never watched it.
  7. Lucky you...
  8. Help he's got the remote
  9. I feel your pain :frown:
  10. He's gone to the garage , think ill take the batteries out
  11. Get a grip girl........concentrate on the remote control :eek:
  12. I got the remote back :)
  13. Amazingly, the French versions of Top Chef/Masterchef and The Voice are miles better than the British originals.

    Well, maybe the cooking isn't a surprise - the French can cook. The Voice contestants have to sing in both English and French.
  14. I'm not a lover of JLo but I have to say she does have a cracking arse :upyeah:
  15. And Amanda Holden agrees with me :biggrin:
  16. disagree on that...i dont like birds who have butt cheeks in two different postcodes.

    shouldnt 'Britains got Talent' be suffixed with a '?'..?
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