Britain's Got Talent

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, May 26, 2014.

  1. Has it buggery.

    That is all. :)
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  2. yes it has, but its all north off the border.
  3. It has, it just does not prostitute itself on that compost heap of a programme.
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  4. Never really watched it...however when the series has started i always find it funny when the complete no hopers get axed immediately and then out the back theyre bawling away sating that thier life has been ruined because "singing was everything to them" or some shite like that....hilarious. Above all it shit.
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  5. Britain has got talent, it's out ther writing songs, working hard, playing in pubs and clubs, gaining experience and trying to get recognition. It is not, as has already been said, on this stupid TV show.
    It would be more honest to just call it "Britain's got a lot of talentless twats who want to be famous"...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. I can make a decent cup of tea.
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