I was half asleep watching that and it made me jump out of my skin! It's a great track but is way too small for the speed these boys do now. I'd hate to lose it as a BSB event though because it is a unique place with a lot of history.
He's rubber though isn't he! bounces pretty well. I agree though, I think the bikes have probably outgrown the track. I was actually thinking surely they have the space to do something with the circuit on the fast part, maybe make some mods that allow for over taking and put an extra loop in like they did at Snetterton, then perhaps straighten out the wood section just a little to try and make it a bit safer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not captain careful, far from it, just think that the bikes are outgrowing the circuit.
Scary stuff, not much by way of fencing/protection was there. Can't seem to upload a video but this was the wreckage being pulled out of the trees.
It's such a narrow track in places and with such little margin for error or run-off space, that I'm surprised this isn't a more regular occurrence. Glad Tarren is OK, albeit with some very sore digits.
That'll buff right out, no problem! Looks as if forks, frame, wheels and swingarm are all fooked. I seem to remember Whitham saying the only salvageable part was the tank, though the whole thing looks like it's bound for the skip.
Be on FB page or eBay in a few weeks, ‘ex bsb bike, ex mccams, well maintained and rebuilt in last few weeks’
In fairness. Laptimes haven’t really moved a great deal in the last decade amazingly. Cadwell is fast in places, very little run off. Most of the U.K. stuff is miles behind euro tracks on the whole for safety
The first time I ever went to Cadwell I thought the track was a service lane when I was listening to the briefing. Some tracks have kerbs wider than Cadwell…
Same here! Did a track day there a couple of months back. Took me all of one lap to remember every inch of it. Great track!!