Bsb Finals Day Spoilers

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by bradders, Oct 12, 2024 at 1:07 PM.

  1. Shit, Irwin’s bike bike style let go. Game over for the Ducati I think… are they going to ever finish Q2?!
  2. Watched the interview with the three of them at the start. Soooo hope Ryde wins it now.
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  3. Here we go in typical end of season bsb conditions lol
    I’m going with Danny Kent to win his first race :eyes:
  4. What a bat shit mental race.

    So glad Kyle managed to claw back whatever was going on at the start.
    Should be cracking (and dry) tmrw and I’m going to head down there with the old man I think.
    Irwin giving “Ick-eh” the thumbs up when he saved that high side was too funny.

    Glad he’s out the way now though.

    Well done dk52 we all knew it was coming.
  5. Could be a real classic tomorrow. Shame the supersport ended in a farce. Currie bunking it then bike not running on warm up lap, couldn’t get out so when red flagged two laps later he still couldn’t race. Then 5 lap dash where stapleford, incredibly I have no idea what he was thinking, too slicks (commentator said although I though they were SC’s) when track was soaking. Kennedy won tho, not my favourite rider but he won the most and on that measure deserved the title.

    Hallam did same in bsb race. Two mega experienced riders getting it so wrong!
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  6. Wow. Fucking wow!! What a race. What a win. Well done Kyle and great effort Bridewell.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  7. BSB always delivers.
    How many times has it gone down to the last race At Brands?
    Great racing!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Very good race. I would have liked Tommy to have won. Did you see at the end on the cool down lap how he told Irwin to basically f*ck off’ when he tried to congratulate him? No love lost there.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Up there with the very best motorcycle races I’ve ever seen with that much at stake.

    Hats well and truly doffed to everyone involved.
    The crowd made it too, can’t remember the last time I saw a WSB crowd that big.
    Swap camera phones for air horns and we’re good to go for 2025.
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  10. Incredible end to the season - proper battle with no quarter given. BSB at it’s very best.
    Looking to 2025 I will put it out there to be shot down - if they were racing superstock bikes, so much closer to what we could actually buy and far, far less expensive than SB spec, I don’t think the spectacle would be reduced for me. Close racing by talented riders, some moving up, some never moving, and some riding the tail end of their particular comet.
    Minor tweaks to differentiate - no limit on the cost of suspension changes, different control tyre, different spec ecu, different field levelling criteria to stop one manufacturer running away with it.
    Superstock becomes rookie and career twilight riders only. Lots of “yeah but” to sort out, but it might make the whole thing more sustainable in current times.
  11. My opinion, Glen Irwin got to the front and slowed the pace enough for Kyle to catch up ...... and why wouldn't you ? :D :joy: Andy
  12. It was BSB.
    It was excellent racing though!
    #12 RickyX, Oct 13, 2024 at 8:21 PM
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2024 at 8:32 PM
  13. agree. Superstock bikes are averaging 1-2 seconds a lap slower. And they don’t have £15k Öhlins forks just for one example. It’s okay saying the top teams don’t pay for them but every single privateer team needs to, just like the hand made swingarms that have a service life of about 500 miles before needing to be crack-tested/binned
  14. Not often I get nervous before watching a race and then sit on the edge of the seat from flag to flag. Best race I have ever seen.
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  15. Er, yeh I know.
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  16. Brilliant racing. Thanks to Tommy and Kyle. Up there with the best racing Ive seen.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. He had a couple of sly pops at GI in the interview straight after.

    Basically said "thanks for trying to mess up my championship" and that "the two best riders all year came out on top".

    As you say no love lost at all.

    Is there not an unspoken rule in bikes that you dont try to mess up another riders championship if youre not involved?

    Maybe thats just my preference? (see also Rea on Bulega in WSB yesterday).
  18. GI is entitled to be a bit racy, but I think he overstepped the racy bit. Sure put pressure on but some of his moves were sketchy. Fuck him glad tommy beat him. Pleased for Youth as its his first championship. But Glen Irwin is a prick.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  19. I couldn't agree more.
    I think Tommy under-estimated Kyle a bit too. Mentioned something about him being "a little bastard" in that west country drawl of his afterwards.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. As superbikes are so close to gp bikes these days performance wise, barring MOTO GP safety regs what’s stopping them holding the British GP at Brands? It’s what motorcycles were made for and is the best track in the country for decent racing by an absolute country mile. I would LOVE to see them ragging GP bikes round there and lets face it you can only go as fast as the track and scenery permit you to..
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