Was a good day, pal sold a few bits and got a few orders in so worth the effort. Met a couple of other duc riders purely by coincidence, some stunning custom bits there. Favourite was the cafe racer sport and the one off by an ex duc factory fabricator, between my crap french and Italian and his broken English it was quite the conversation! Death spray Desmo And a few other toys...
I've been following the build up on Facebook and it looks like it has turned out to be a great show. I will definitely be going next year
I went to this show today. Tobacco Dock is an odd place - it's been called 'an island of failure in a sea of success'. There were some superb examples of paintwork and engineering. Also some work-in-progress, some good efforts on a low budget, some bad ideas, and some frankly rubbish. I had imagined I would find various concerns offering paintwork, plating, upholstery, etc services - but no, not really. On balance a disappointment.
I quite like the second one down - which for me Is unusual I normally don't like café stuff - having said that if something was done about those chitty chitty bang bang exhausts then it would look really nice!