Bucks Rideout

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Frostinio, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Who would consider doing a rideout around South Bucks/Bucks on a Sunday sometime in March.

    Trying to get 5-10 people together for an easy ride to blow the winter cobwebs away.

    Any suggestions and ideas welcome.

    Stop off for a coffee/breakfast bap somewhere sounds good to me!
  2. Sounds good to me. I would be up for this. Some good roads in the area. Amersham, tring, Aylesbury. Could also may be head out east Henley way and aim for h cafe near benson. Cheers james.
  3. Yup, providing it's not pissing down.
  4. I meant west not east. Don't put me lead man. Lol
  5. I'd be up for that, not far from me...

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  6. Yep, sounds good.
  7. I could be up for that but depends on the date and weather :sunglasses:
  8. If its not around the 20th then may bring out the Pramac 1198
  9. I live in the middle of that lot and recon most roads are pants. I'd be very happy if you can show me a few hidden gems.
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  10. £3.20 for a chip butty? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    obviously a different class of ride out to the ones im used to lol!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Always up for the super sausage!
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  12. You do realise everyone can read that?:smiley:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I'm up for a rideout. Weather dependant of course.
  14. Count me in as well; date and weather dependent.
  15. Someone needs to open a taco shop. [emoji15]
  16. Count me in, I'm local to Bicester area, Weather permitting for me i'm afraid.. no wet gear!!
  17. Up for this, even if I have to ride a bit for the initial meet. I'm in Reading. Weather permitting of course. Has it happened already???
  18. Not that i am aware, Easter weekend weather is looking very promising though, so maybe something could be organised one of those days perhaps? Will leave it up to Frostinio as i don't want to highjack his thread!
  19. If it's nice on Good Friday I plan on heading South to the Horsham Piazza Italia. Let us know for the rest of the weekend, Frostinio!
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