Building a mental picture.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. As time has gone by i have continual built up mental pictures of so many forum members by the type and content of there posts and replies to posts. I have met a few of you and have generally got on with most.
    There are quite a few of you I would love to meet some day and I really hope I do somehow. Do any of you do the same, build mental pictures I mean. O and there,s one or two I wouldn't go out of my way for either.
  2. It's more of a personality picture than the looks.
  3. in my humble opinion how people are on a web site has no correlation to how they are face to face......most of the time:wink:
  4. I'm sorry you feel that way :frown:
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  5. The forum has a few groups. There are those who look down on you if you don't own an R model, those who think Ducati haven't made a decent bike since 1992, and those who post about everything except motorcycles!
  6. I like to think I sit on the fence :)

    You can put forum members in boxes but they usually surprise you when you meet them so I keep an open mind

    I have met many over the years and they aren't a bad lot :)
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  7. I fit into the last group. I admit to knowing bott all about bikes. But I love riding them.

    Thats enough for me. :smile:
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  8. I love mental pictures.

    El Toro


    Sinisters first ride out on his bike






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  9. As a newbie here, it was an interesting exercise to try picture people whose posts I'd read. I suspect the resulting images say more about me than them!

    I followed Matt's thread "This is me" and I must say they look a good lot. I think you can tell much more about the real person from photos than 100s of threads.
  10. And me :)
  11. Yeah,you come across okay on here!:upyeah:
  12. i would shudder to think how i would be in folks minds?????????????:upyeah:

  13. El Toro fixing his bike


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  14. Some are just a lost cause !!

  15. _40766130_jamesharries203300wm.jpg

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  16. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< speno licks a window and goes back in his box.................
  17. #20 El Toro, Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2013
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