Everything said "you prick"! I bought this on the 3rd of jan after hunting for over four years to find a good one... Ducati Performance Dainese Leathers Race Suit Carl Fogarty Limited Edition | eBay SO a week later the bloke dutifully posts it. that was mid january. It never arrived. Lodged appeal with paypoo and because it's gone over 45 days I believe the operative phrase is... Unlucky, soz, no banana, Ceebs. Don't make the same mistake as me, always ask for tracked delivery and / or a courier. I always insist on it when I'm sending stuff I've sold on ebay abroad. Quite why I never insisted on it myself for my own purchases I'll never know. I might as well have put the five hundred quid in a bucket and torched it. Buggery bollox. So the missus loses her job and a year later stil lhasn't found anything because despite twenty plus years of experience the online portal won't progress any applications because "she doesn't have a degree". The one luxury I afforded myself over crimble hasn't arrived because either it was never sent or some fucking toerag at heathrow cargo thought it looked nicer on him, the payment protection insurance isn't paying out anymore so now I've got all the mortgage and bills to deal with on my own and I've resigned myself to having to sell the bike. Well, fuck you god, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Libel that you c**t
Miserable news. Can't believe the sender didn't send tracked and insured. Always tempting not to as it pushes the cost up...:frown:
Sev Don't lose hope quite yet I've had stuff coming from abroad that's taken nearly 3 months. I know it seems ridiculous but its happened to me twice, totally given up on it, although smaller value and size. Nothing appears then when you have just resigned yourself to it, bing bong postie with a package Hope all your other woes get fixed as well in time. Hang onto the bike if its special to you. Talk the missus into let you keep it in the house Sorn it and don't insure (if your really in a tight spot). Then don't you or the missus make any chips after being to the pub (or as we'd say up here Partick Roulette - making chips when yer pissed). John
OJ is correct. I've had stuff sat being "handled" by Customs and the Post Office for 3 months also. Takes 1 day to get across the Atlantic/Pacific, then those tossers sit on it for months then present you for a bill for their trub!
I second what Jock says. I bought a mac from the states and it took 2 months. 1 month of which it was sitting in UK customs waiting for duty to be paid but hadnt informed me of such until a month later. I also bought a nut for my slipper clutch from motowheels, this took a month. 1 week to get to uk. 3 wks in customs.
Same experience here. You can get stuff from Hong Kong in 3 days if you use DHL, but via Royal Fail it takes as many months.