Bye Bye My Coocachoo

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Never a fan but rip.
  2. good age. rip.
  3. RIP Alvin
  4. RIP. But 72 a good age jeez I want to be 84 incontinent and rambling, moaning about the yoof of the day.
    Even the scots have an average mortality age of 78.5
  5. My coo ca choo!

  6. I am strongly resisting the temptation to say " yeah, but he did get to shag Liza Goddard".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Doh.
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  8. Bernard William Jewry / Shane Fenton / Alvin Stardust / "the Untouchable"
    A great entertainer and performer.
    RIP Alvin...
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