Caberg Konda/Duke.

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Nelson, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Anyone have one?

  2. I bought a Hi Viz Konda..............It was f-in 'orrible............probably the most uncomfortable helmet I have ever tried on...........apart from the fact it has put me off all flip fronts, Caberg had even got the sizes muddled up, so the lining (S) was wrong for the shell (XL) and the box and other labels said (M)......If they can't get that right, I wouldn't trust any other Caberg.

  3. Never used one . As an every day helmet I use this and find it very easy .


  4. Had a couple of Caberg Justismo flip lids, great value, goodish quality, quietish,well designed. Agree about the sizing mixups, try the one you buy if poss.
    Got a Shark evoline 2 now which is better made but has a couple of naff design cock ups(like difficult to put on with glasses(the reason I use flips) and the vents get opened or closed when operating the chinbar or visors.
  5. The Konda I had used to bend my glasses when I opened it.............stupid bl**dy thing......

    I have given up on flip fronts and now use a Bell MR4 and my contact lenses.......................but oddly I can get my glasses through the hole quite easily.

  6. Caberg makes 3 flip-up helmets:
    Entry level: Caberg Duke (ex konda/trip)
    Intermediate: Caberg Justissimo
    Top level: Caberg Modus (ex sintesi)

    If you can afford, i will definitely suggest you the modus (also available in the cpl version): Caberg Modus CPL Helmet , otherwise, as "ducati2242", the Nolan N104 helmet is a great flip-up helmet as well.
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