Cadwell tomorrow and thursday...

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by bradders, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. ...then over to Angelsey to see if they have any space, weather permitting

    What are the chances of a couple of dry days :rolleyes:
  2. Wed thurs and friday morning lookiing not to bad, after that it's Noah time.
  3. Anglesey grippy in he wet, eh :upyeah:
  4. Dry until Friday Paul....fill yer boots mate :upyeah:
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  5. what do we reckon would be a good trackday time on the 848 then? 45's? low 40's?
  6. dry mid to late 1.30's. wet mid to late 1.40's
  7. slow coach :)
  8. Pieman did 39's, if I can crack 45's I'll be mega happy as I know race pace would be 3-5 secs quicker
  9. Fricken awesome 2 dry days at Cadwell. Off both the front and rear tyres so bout as quick as gravity would allow...bt16's never gave an issue but not ideal for track as too flat a profile and slows turning and not enough shoulder for big lean angles...but fun :-D
  10. Good, I'm pleased for you. I love cadwell. It's a toss-up between there and donny for my favourite track. Looking good at the mo for brands next Wednesday.
  11. No idea...gps was full after first session and camera packed up!

    As a gauge, couldnt quite keep with Craig on Weds but think other way round on Thurs when my mojo came back ;-)

    And both days were dry :upyeah:
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