Got a set of these arriving tomorrow: Should sharpen up the braking a bit, currently it tends to roll on a bit longer than I'd prefer
Monoblocs ...........I know of a couple of guys that have been talking about swaps to these but lost touch with what they've been up to. I think I also read some install advice on the forums....e.g. you'll need custom brake/ABS lines. Maybe you'd like to write a 'how to' article as you go?! .....and photos of course.
No, still 4pots, but with more pad area and a solid casting rather than 2 piece. I'm fairly sure I'll need to change the hoses that meet the caliper, as the angles for the banjo bolts are slightly different. MC will be fine though. I'll probably get Snells to do the hose change at the same time as sorting out the rear brake.
Bob, you have no idea, I'm sat at my desk, fondling them gently. The rest of the office is looking at me very strangely :biggrin: