Calling Mr C

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Imola, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. you made i laugh. .. pmsl
  2. Happy to oblige. :upyeah:
  3. Actually you also made me screen wash my galaxy phone with tea.. Lol
  4. Im glad it was just tea
  5. that was exactly my motivation for asking what we all do for a living...........
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  6. How do you clean phone screens?
    My mate's sister inlaw's cousin knows a bloke who works for ducati corse's cleaning dept said not to use mr sheene.
    Can i use tescos own brand of polish. ?

  7. That Sounds more like the current japcati owners :upyeah:
  8. What do you do for a living Andy ? :biggrin:
  9. Ive answered this before............i am a bullshit detector
  10. Oh! How do you shield yourself from causing false positives?

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  11. There seems to be a lot of it arriving on this forum. I did'nt bother with Ducatisti because of the non-stop nastiness and "rants" from people who thought they owned the place. The ones who think they're the real deal hardcore bikers because they can change belts, have done a few track days or been to Europe and back.
    (I pay someone to maintain my bike so I'm not a "real biker" even though I've been at it for 42years)

    Same on the Monsters "club" One dishes it out, along come the buddies to provide back-up.

    Hopefully this forum won't go the same way. Perhaps it already has. Shame.
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  12. Calm down Madam that was yesterdays news, we are now ranting about Tesco burgers. How do you like yours Medium rare or good to firm :upyeah:
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  13. We all get different things out of a forum I prefer the technical side others don't, so long as we all get something, there's always going to be a bit of tension here and there and that's what makes it so interesting. Nothing wrong with a Rant now and again. If only Ducati hadn't developed the Multstrada. :redface:
    Now if only Tesco would sell them burgers off cheap instead of binning them.

  14. No thanks. My Mother-in-Law had one of them and it made her so ill she was rushed into hospital. When I rang to ask how she was, they said she was...........stable.
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  15. See, this place is awesome :upyeah:
  16. why the long face.........
  17. Like Karl Pilkington ? (Bullshit man) Or are you really Karl :smile:
  18. head like an orange lol
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