Can you see the bike?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Count, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    Not sure if this is anyone on here. I have matching Kevlar Jeans that would go with this.

    It's not standard but whatever works with your own money. I quite like it; when you can see it.
  2. Nothing there :frown:
  3. <gip> Made a bit of sick come up.
  4. I'm with you here Count , I would never ever put that on my bike but I do kinda like it.
  5. Saw this pic on the Fast Bikes twitter feed. Still don't know why you'd paint a bike in camo, but each to their own
  6. Do you think it would work on speed cameras?
  7. Isn't that Arctic Camouflage ???


    Bit out of place where the bike is standing - does he want to draw attention to himself...

    Just as well - if he had the right Camo it would ruin his defence in a "SMIDSY" court case :tongue:

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