A month ago I bought a pack of candles in Sainsbury's. It seemed to me the risk of power cuts was growing, so having candles in reserve was a sensible precaution. What do you know - this week it has belatedly dawned on a lot of people that they ought to get in some candles. So they are sold out, and scarce.
I have a nice collection of candles that I have had for a long time as ornaments They will come in handy I remember as a child back in the 70's we had black outs and train lamps and candles were the norm in our house
I believe the government will look after me. *whistles* https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/northern-powergrid-durham-storm-arwen-22352243 It's not like they'd abandon hundreds of thousands of people to the horror of winter without heat. And the ability to burn wood/coal/methylated spirits/premium paraffin. Take a look at my bushcraft & camping album.
I’ve got an amazing pair of candles… Flippen expensive buggers but they still get a little use now and then.
Surely in this day and age a small led battery lamp is brighter, safer, and will last longer than a candle?
I reckon at worst there may be load shedding. Which is like a controlled, rolling power cut. I’d hope notice would be given. I’m old enough to remember the power cuts in the 70’s…. It was fun
I’ve got a small generator for tyre warmers and a kettle. I’d thought of utilising it during a power outage for lighting and boiler control. But I’d need a change over switch from mains to island…. Now that would be a ball ache…
If in the 21st century, in western europe there's power cuts, then something is very fucking wrong...Or is it all going to plan....
In 1973-74 the government department where I worked supplied each office with government-issue candles, so staff could continue working whenever there was a power cut. I wonder if they will do the same again this year?