OMG, I have just spent 3 weeks getting past level 147. I am sad, I am old, not many years ago the I pad would have been buried in the fence at the bottom of the garden. But now? What a feeling of achievement. Do not mock, it will come to you all eventually. The Mutley is in the garage and its raining so what more can I do. please be gentle with your replys.
My wife plays the stupid game! I downloaded it to my phone to see what the fuss was about, it's addictive until you have to spend money to progress. I then un-installed it, poxy game!
Level 191 not spent any money Has wasted a 'few' hours at work I am now able to leave it alone and my addiction is cured What's you Facebook details incase I need a free life
Search for [email protected]. i spent a couple of 69p's at the begining before my daughter told me how to play free.
Plague Inc. is my current favourite mobile game. that and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on my Android Tablet
Computer games - the progeny of the Devil. As addictive as meta amphetamine, but nicer to your teeth.