Cant post pictures

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Why cant I post a picture? I have just tried doing a pic with the URL rather than from my computer and it says I have exceeded my quota? What quota is that then?. It was only a small pic and its not like I'm uploading to this site.
  2. Probably for the best eh :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. You need to go and delete some of the pics youve posted in the past to free up some space to post again.
  4. Space? Even if sharing via a URL?
  5. I had the same problem ages ago. I deleted some pics. It worked.

    What can I say?
  6. I had to do the same :)
  7. Won't be anything of value will it?
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  8. Priceless
  9. Im not alone then
  10. I exceeded my quota aeons ago.

    Now upload everything from PhotoBucket (without checking the reference locally checkbox). Works no probs.
  11. As explained by some other members, you only have a finite amount of space to uploads pics to. As Glidd suggested, a third party hoster is always a good idea. Somebody like Instagram or Photobucket both offer free services. When you say you've tried to upload it from a URL, are you using the smart keys in the menu bar?

  12. I have used the smart keys and also [​IMG] But I could post a youtube video yesterday!!!
  13. hmmm that's strange
  14. Mr C certainly is 'strange'.
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