749 Carbon Bling

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Steven mMitchelmore, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. I would like to start adding some bling carbon to my 749.can anyone recommend a particular company that can supply most pieces and is of a good quality?
  2. Bestem USA make some nice carbon parts. I just recently bought a new hugger from them for my swingarm upgrade,
  3. Ok! My thinking is that if I stick with one manufacturer the finish will match on each piece as the process will be exactly the same.Does this matter or do pieces from different suppliers match?
  4. I'd buy British if I were you Dave :)
  5. Bought some carbon bits off Bestem USA last year,ordered them in September didn't get them till 2 weeks before xmas,and had to pay £23 customs duty as well.....nice bits tho!:D
  6. I bought a carbon front mudguard from Conquest Carbon last year and the quality is spot on. You'll find them on here somewhere and they offer discount for forum members too! I've also had some bling from CT Moto I the past which is very good to although a little pricey.
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  7. TBH I've kinda mixed and matched as parts came up on e-bay. As long as you don't have the parts side by side no one will notice. That said, if money was no object I'd get everything from the same place.
  8. I've got a bunch of stuff from Tony at Carbon Moto Ltd. UK - decent bloke to talk to. He made up the moulds to do full cam belt covers for my 2005 999 (they are different to the 2004 and earlier). The weave does vary depending on manufacturer - so for ultimate cosmetics worth sticking to one company. My 999s is all dressed up in carbon at the moment - R fairing, (749R tank), seat Ducati but unsure of origin because not all Rs were carbon seats (it's been repainted anyhow), import air tubes (cannot see them, but totally different weave), Carbon Moto for mudguard (also partially painted), belt covers, swing arm protectors, exhaust heat shield. Just need rear set heel plates in black and some dinky brackets for the reservoirs and it's done.

    If you look closely you can see the Ducati seat unit is a bit messy in the lay up as it was intended to be painted. I wanted the carbon to show through (I ran it for a while with no paint - see pic); it was tricky to lay out the design and try to paint over the worst seams/overlaps. The M2 is our company logo 'case you're wondering.




    IMG_0975_10.00 - 11.00 (Copy).JPG
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  9. I've had some parts from conquest carbon for my Benelli, quick turnaround very good quality and reasonable prices.
  10. I received my huggers (one for me and one for a buddy) in less then two weeks from the US to Thailand. :)
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