Carbon - fitting

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Freak, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Ok, so a few of you know I've treated myself to a new 13 plate Tricolore and the carbon obsession has begun already...

    Good old Conquest Carbon have come up trumps and I've received a box today containing a few lovely carbon beauties.

    The 13 plate models come with the pig ugly new heat shield so that was on the list and it looks great, however reading the forums it looks like a HUGE job to fit, it's basically a disassemble the subframe job to replace it.

    Has anyone done this yet? If so do you have any detailed step-by-step instructions.
  2. Claw-hammer.jpg

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  3. Well that's a start!
  4. Well Jon, it's obviously time to have some patience and with a 13 in the number plate, you maybe needing some....

    sorry I have a superstition with the No 13.. Have fun though...
  5. Just pay someone. I'll do it.
  6. It's a fair old job to fit the new kit Jon, so removing will be just as much of a pain. Drop me a mail to work and I'll dig you some info out.
  7. Cheers Nelly, what's your email address again :)
  8. Jon - what other carbon and other goodies have you bought for it - have bought and fitted quite a few bits for mine would be good to compare notes. Like you say becomes a bit obsessive :biggrin:
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