Anyone know anything about carbon tanks? Eg weight saving, strength, who makes them, do standard fittings eg pump etc fit directly inside, do they have a lifetime like fibreglass used too, easy to strip of paint and rub down? Yes I am possibly looking at one. Cheers peeps
If Pablo's about PM him. I'm sure he has a carbon tank on his trick Superlight? He may be at sea though?
Yep, as ANDYB says. Best thing to do is ask the seller the important stuff like fitting standard pump and cap, and mounting points. I've painted and stripped a few different carbon parts using an industrial de-greaser. Always got the paint/lacquers off without touching the epoxy of the carbon. I've also repaired stuff including tanks, grinding, sanding and just using petrol resistant lacquer to finish just like normal bodywork.
Ta guys I have asked henk just waiting for a reply I was just interested in anyone else's experience, wasn't doubting henk in anyway.
i think the tank that Pablo has is not a carbon one but ETI-fuel cell. FuelCel Ducati early 900ss motorcycle gas-fuel tanks for sportbikes kevlar those tank can be easly repaired after a chrash. you are right to do some investigation before you buy something. the only problemes that i heard so far is that they can start to leak when they are not coated due to the ethanol that is now in the fuel. i don't think they have a real lifespan. i have still one on my SS and that tank is from '94 or so and is still fine. i love carbon fuel tanks myself other people will prefer an alu one. i have a carbon tank for all my bikes. henk!!!
hallo, i just send you a pm with some info. i have no stock tank for an SS myself,so if you want i take pictures from the underside. so the you can compare with your own tank. it will fit straight on your frame that's for sure,the one thing that i think that want fit is your stock gascap. henk!!!
if he doesn't buy it, I will! Like Al says, external fitment is the best option if you can package it.
Facet pump 1 - 4 psi; pump mounting bracket; decent filter - could be a cleanable type or a chuckaway; could even fit another filter......and.......if really clever, block off the fuel level sender hole and fit a fuel tap with reserve lever (probably a british one and a metric adapter; oh, and you may find an electric shut off valve is required.....there is a decent low cost one available. You may be able to do it all for around £50 - £70 AL