Cars with Front Fog Lights on

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Anyone else noticed the numbers of cars being driven in the dark with both headlights and front fog-lights on ?

    Tonight it was raining (no fog) as I drove the 85 miles home, and I reckon one in twenty cars cars coming towards me had front fogs on.

    It pisses me off more than someone who keeps on talking when I'm trying to interrupt.
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  2. Many cars, mine and my wife's included, have no front fog lights as such, but always on driving lights.
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  3. They are badly adjusted lights... Fackin pain in the azz!!
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  4. And rear fog lights on permanently :mad:
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  5. Front fog lights don't bother me at all. They're not particularly dazzling. I've seen a lot of them around here for the past fortnight. I quite often use them to supplement the very poor headlights on the Alfa when driving country roads. No one has ever flashed me.

    On the other hand, following a car at night which has left its rear fog light on when there is no fog ( and even when there is), now that is annoying.
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  6. But dey looks cool innit :cool:
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  7. I see more that haven't even bothered to turn any lights on

    The wheel's going round but the hamster has died
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  8. My Saab's got fog lights. Don't think Ive ever used them. It also has a nice auto levelling feature for the headlights. But its not just headlights. People do not use their indicators anymore. Or if they do its at the very last minute. Thats annoying. Especially on Mways, when its indicator move all at the same time. I'm in no hurry. I'm happy to let you in. Just give me some freaking notice ffs.
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  9. You can also wonder why people need and pay for all their electronic anti-slip, traction control, 4 wheel drive and whatnot when they still corner at 30 miles an hour. They're not likely to need any of them.
    Was following a large Audi 4x4 yesterday and you'd have thought his car was filled with open buckets of paint the speed he was taking corners.
    If people can't drive, why do they need such a sophisticated and expensive piece of kit to do it in?
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  10. In London you're lucky if they even bother turning on their sidelights…

    Why don't people switch on their lights, what fuel saving do they think that are making?
    #10 Twin4me, Dec 19, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  11. In London your lucky if any of the flippin lights work on the front of most cars
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  12. A lot of modern cars have LED running lights at the front which can't be switched off.What pee's me off are again with newer cars,the overly bright LED brake lights especially at night in the rain.Can't see past them sometimes especially the on-off-on-off comfort brakers.
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  13. The problem wtih all the daytime running lights is that now, if you have an older car, you are invisible unless you drive around all the time with headlights on.

    Similarly, bikes can now be mistaken for cars. A few years ago, if something had its headlight on in the daytime, it was a bike. Not any more. So we have become invisible again.
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  14. Philips make a good motorbike specific bulb, which has an orange aura to it, therefore separating the bike from all the other headlights around you. Well that's the theory anyway
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  15. Another stupid thing is yellow lights on the corners of cars, it drives me mad, first I see a yellow light and then I have to look again to see if its flashing... its damn confusing and sometimes there's not enough time to wait to see if its one of these permanently on and so not actualy 'indicating' anything lights. What's the reason for them anyway, is it just to look colourful ?
  16. Well, if we are getting onto silly light designs on cars....the recent trend for putting them in brake lights ala Golf. Tiny dot of a blinker. Useless
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  17. My wife mentioned that yesterday we were following a MkV Golf and if they are indicating and braking at the same time, as you say the indicator light is barely visible, genius!
  18. Agreed, and yet at my last bike MOT, I was informed that the rules regarding integrated rear light/indicators on bikes have been tightened to specifically be an MOT failure, now I know that some are crap and therefore shouldn't be used but some are also quite good, yet those on some cars (Golfs etc.) are absolutely dreadful.
  19. Don't many of the VAG group cars now have a fog light that comes on when they are turning, noticed it quite a bit actually where they are going around a round-about and the 'inside' fog light comes on.
  20. Adaptive lighting. What will they think of next.
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