Cartagena Closed

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by carson, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Just been told that the Spanish government have closed Cartagena down. Said that it’s someone to do with not having the right licenses for the pit boxes and restaurants. Sounds like someone’s looking for a back hander to me.

    of course it could all be a load of bollocks about the licenses, I know they’ve been battling noise level issues for a while.
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  2. Wonder if someone could buy and use privately....thinking holiday home ;)
  3. I heard this earlier today from a mate who lives in Spain

    again not sure if 100% accurate
  4. Just spoke to another mate who reckons it was open yesterday ?

  5. There’s been a petition kicking around for a few weeks
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  6. One of my mates that lives out there sent me this:

    Just reading a bit about it, apparently after the noise complaints they started looking into the track and found some works have been done without permission so it's under threat of closure ☹️ hope they don't I really like that track ..
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