Hi just after a few thoughts. I've just bought a new multistrada s touring and am looking for either a blackbird or monster 900 for a second bike for commuting in the worst of the winter weather and for the odd blast out when I fancy a change. Now I'm unsure which would be better as I've never had either. i fancy a monster due to it being an older dry cluthc Ducatii can fiddle with and love the sound but am guessing servicing woud be more and possibly not stand upto winter quite as a good but I would definitely find it more fun. but the car would likely be more reliable cheaper to run and potentially a better commuter plus would be an inline four in co trade to my mult which is part of the appeal. my commuter Is only 7 miles. Interested in people's opopinions thanks
Monster. The BB will be to much like the Multi. You'll end up squaring off the rear very quickly too. Saying that in deepest darkest winter, the car is always a good option
Monster is what I really fancy but they are a bit more than 2k. I'm guessing servicing would be much cheaper on car than monster as well and cheaper to run