censoring of posts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by popelli, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. I see one of my posts yesterday has been censored / deleted can somebody please remove me as a user from this forum, I have no wish to be a part of any forum that has any form of censorship involved
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  2. Censored? Were you abusive to another member? That's the only reason something would be moderated :rolleyes:
  3. I'd only remove a post if there has been direct abuse or if other members have complained about it for some reason. This will then be evaluated and if need be, action taken. If I remove/edit something, I will always let the user know. Please let me know which post/thread you are refering to and I'll look into it for you. The last thing I want anybody to do it to leave because they dont feel welcome.
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  4. So Matt.....how many complaints does it take?
  5. Just One. I'll then look at it and make a judgement, speaking to Rob if I want advise
  6. It just appears more people have been offended by your actions, rather than other people's words.

    People just won't speak out, they make tongue in cheek remarks about it, but I suspect just fear the backlash.

    I hope you manage to sort out the misunderstanding with Popelli's missing post, before you loose another member.

    I appreciate you just want to make the place a nice pleasing experience, but what you want to create and what you do create is not always the same thing.

    Remember without members you don't have a forum.
    #6 XxAnthxX, Jun 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
  7. Thank you for you thoughts and suggestions. You make some good points :smile:
  8. I was going to make some funny comment after reading this but as an adult my common sense kicked in and I thought better of it. Freedom of speech is an illusion. Kidding yourself of is existence will only result in increased frustration.
  9. Ahh Troy......a missed opportunity I'd call that ;-)
  10. Story of my life bud. However I didnt miss the opportunity of some dogs bollox paddock stands for my 848 from a kind forum member ;-)
  11. To tell the truth I prefer forums where the moderator is active within the rules of the forum. It makes for a more pleasant visit compared to one forum I visit for another bike I have which can be the opposite where anything anyone posts wakes up the ridiculing idjits.
    (Not commenting on this particular instance).
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  12. I have not seen the post that was pulled so I cant comment on that but I have a few questions , please note they are questions not opinions :-

    Popelli, why did you post that you wish to be removed from the forum as opposed to not come on any more ?

    Is this a public place where freedom of speech should exist or is it more like private members club where the owners/managers can apply their own rules ?

    Should we all be a bit more thick skinned and deal with offensive behaviour rather than expect other people (moderators, politicians etc) to get involved and tell us what is acceptable ? I`m not just talking about on here, I mean in the real world too.
  13. That makes I laaaaaaarf.
  14. If I'm in the pub, and I'm spouting something that one or more people find offensive, and the landlord tells me to "keep it down" do I:

    a. Keep it down?
    b. Leave the pub, never to return?
    c. Tell the landlord to "bar" me from his pub?

    People are terribly confused about what "free speech" actually means, it's as if free speech is a thing that exists competely independent of the society or community that espouses it.
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  15. IMO, free speech is entirely different to hurling insults.......

    .........If insults and snide comments (and I don't mean humorous p*ss taking or swearing) are considered necessary, then the PM system provides the opportunity to do so.

    That way other members don't have to put up with it.

  16. why dont you f***** set of b******* go and f*** yourselves because you are all a bunch of w******

    isnt free speech just great :)

    why dont you fabbest set of babblers go and foam yourselves because you are all a bunch of washers
    #16 Phill, Jun 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
  17. What you tryin' a say, Phill?
  18. Oh great, so if i complain about everything you're going to be really busy aren't you.
    You'd better hope i don't get drunk and bored one night.
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  19. Vot iz ze outcomb of ziz complainzing , do you zink Hitler vill put up viv your bullshizzle.
  20. Awww I'm complaining about you
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