1200 Centre Stand Issues

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by ChrisHarris, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. Just wondered if anyone else has had problems with their centre stand fouling on the exhaust? I have the 2013 Multi GT and the centre stand left leg had quite a gouge in it right at the top in the flat section, where it had been rubbing against the silencer box - replaced under warranty 10 days ago but the new one is even worse and they are going to look at it tomorrow.
    Is this a problem others have experienced? Otherwise, the bike is fantastic, and although a cliche, it really is the best bike I have ever had!!
  2. yes mine also has a worn gouge too...booked in for a service so will ask then...and my front fork leg left side has a wear mark because of the cable rubbing on it :(

  3. Any pics ? I've not noticed anything on mine.
    Have you got standard or aftermarket system ?
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