I've been surfing the web trying to find a replacement chain and sprocket set for my multi. I'm thinking of upping the back sprocket size by 3 teeth, but cant find any where that does them. I can find chains but no UK companies the do good quality sprockets. Anyone done this ? Was it any better in sixth gear or did you change it back?
Presume you have already gone through this thread? Alternative 530 pitch rear sprockets for the MTS1200? | Ducati Forum
If you can't go up on the rear, why not go down on the front which is usually around 1 down on the front equals 3 up at the rear, use this for an idea of gearing changes Sprocket Calculator - the easy motorcycle sprocket and chain calculator
I went one down on the front. It has so much more drive out of corners, easier to ride in city and makes 6th gear much more usable. When I'm due to get a new chain etc I'll go to standard front (15t from memory) and 2 or 3 up on the rear as that will in theory be less stressful on the chain.
I went with 15/42 and the 108 link chain and the 5% lower gearing is just right. 6th gear becomes quite useable and trundling around in traffic at slow speeds is much improved with less clutch slipping. Plenty of good advice on the above posted link.