1200 DVT Chain Loose

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Seanarrow, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Hi folks....
    After ladt weeks trip to schull..noticed my chain is very slack again..actually one day after I tightened it...it was nearly the same as before..
    I'm thinking chain stretched..but haven't had a chance to do anything yet...anyone else have problem on dvt..i didnt have a torque wrench to tighten uo the two Alan bolts..but tightened them up pretty good..
    Whats hou all think.
  2. How many miles on it?
  3. Once chains start to stretch to the point that you're adjusting after each ride then it's usually a sign that they're coming to the end of their serviceable life. You can take measurements over a section of the chain and refer to the manufacturers guidelines as to their maximum tolerance but frequent adjustment is usually a good enough sign.
    You may be able to get away with a new chain and front sprocket as rear sprockets should be good for a couple of chains if taken care of well.
  4. Should not be happening, only had that happen to me once in all my time, and that was due to a tooth broken off a sprocket.

    Hiw many miles on the chain. OE good for 10-12000 miles, and I get well over 20,000 miles on my chain and sprockets.

    At the 3 o clock position on your rear sprocket try pulling the chain back and see how far it moves. It should not move more than say 5mm?? Excessive movement indicates a knackered chain.
  5. 13000 lad.
  6. Thanks for reply..will do when I vet home at weekend
  7. If you have a single sided swinging arm get a stand so that you can spin the back wheel and check for tight spots. Also, you can constantly check and adjust at the tightest spot.
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  8. yeah have new 15 tooth front sprocket ordered and will pit on new chain then too.
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  9. cheers..gonna go for new chain as dont want to ride it now..although should still be safe enough ?
  10. I would say assuming it’s the original chain then it’s probably had its day, especially from your OP. If you are looking for longest lasting hardly ever needs adjustment kit then look no further than Afam. Miles better than DID.
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  11. Should be fine. Remember that if you replace the chain then replace the sprockets as well.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  12. Get a new one then :kissing_heart:
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  13. Do the full set you don't want a chain and sprockets incedent for the sake of a worn rear sprocket!
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