1260 Chain Size

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by manxxl, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Evening All, How do I find the size of my standard chain ie, 530 or 525
  2. I was about to ask the same question for when I fit the 1098 swing arm. :thinkingface:

    I just guessed it would be stamped on the chain or sprocket somewhere, but haven't looked yet. :eyes:
  3. 530, 114 links. Andy
  4. To what ? Andy
  5. Que? :thinkingface:
  6. Fitting a 1098 swingarm to what ? If you are talking your 1098R, 525, 97 links plus the joining link. Andy
  7. Yeah, my 1098R.


    Cheers for the info Andy. :) :upyeah: I suppose I could just get a new joining link, but as I don't know what chain is on it, I huess I'll just replace it.
  8. Thanks for the info
  9. Actually Andy. The swing arm is 16mm longer than the standard 1098R one, it's the same length as the Streetfighter item iirc. So I'm guessing I need more links? :thinkingface:

    Lots of eBay listings for the DID chain for the Streetfighter as 104 links, some state 102. :thinkingface:

    #10 Robarano, Apr 4, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2020
  10. There seems to be a contradiction, the official parts manual says for a 1260 Multi
    67641111A CHAIN 114+1
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