Champix Anyone Used It?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, May 29, 2014.

  1. About to start a course of champix to stop the tabs, I have been warned of the side effects namely vomitting. Anyone on here used them to stop smoking? if so did you suffer from any side effects?
  2. I successfully used 'em.:)
    No vomiting!
  3. Didn't work for me, worked for someone I know. No side effects.
  4. i used them, there fine, no problem for me, now 3 years i been given up
  5. Cheers guys started today looking forward to finally cracking the tabs.
  6. good luck, you'll notice the difference after a while, especially in fitness

    i think the important part is picking your actual 'quit' day
  7. my mate tried them,he got megga depression.....i just stick to samson.
  8. Good luck. They certainly helped me. 3 years now and fucking glad to be rid of 'em! :Cigar:
  9. i went to see a hypnotist a few years ago,i stopped instantly like turning a switch off..someone turned my light switch back on 6 months later....bollox
  10. If they don't work, get an e cig and reduce the nicotine level over several weeks. Less of a pain than just stopping.

    Or, buy 60, burn them in the fire, one after another, you won't ever smoke again.
  11. Are you sure you looked into the eyes, not around the eyes? ;)
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