Charity Bike Show - Chichester College Sun 24th June 2012

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by keninsussex, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Just picked up a flyer for this - in aid of Sussex Air Ambulance

    Sunday 24th June 10am to 3pm

    Attractions include
    Static Bike Displays
    Free auto jumble
    Road race teams
    Club stands
    Drag race teams
    Moto X teams they say

    Bring you own bike and be part of the show with class trophies apparently

    For enquiries or club display contacts [email protected]

    Chichester College, Westgate Fields, Chichester, PO19 1SB signposted from A27 Fishbourne r'bout.
  2. ""This is just an up-date on how our 1st Chichester College Bike Show went. To those of you who supported us on the day, a big thank-you and to those who couldnt make it, hopefully see you next year. We raised a total of £607.19p for the West Sussex Air Ambulance, which is a fantastic achievement for a first show. Every-one thought it was a great event ( even better than some longer running shows!), but we listened to complaints and suggestions which we will act upon. . . the signs WILL be better next year!! We now have the full support of the College and next years show will be on SUNDAY 24th JUNE 2012. The change to Sunday will allow shops and businesses to attend, a problem we encountered this year. There will be more classes for the trophies, and a FREE auto-jumble for all traders, to encourage everyone with stuffunder your bench to sell it on (other than Ebay!)""

    The first Chichester College Motorcycle Show took place on the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] June, raising funds for the Sussex Air Ambulance. Over 500 bikes visited, to make the show a resounding success. Visitors voted for their choice of winner in 10 different classes, from the keenly contested Best in Show, to the Rat Bike award for the worst bike – embarrassingly won by one of our own students!
    [​IMG]Crowds wandered the rows of machines, the owners of which were only too happy to talk about them. They included motorcycles from the Police, Fire, and Ambulance services. Twelve clubs had displays including the Honda Goldwing Owners, Trail Riders Federation, and the Vintage Japanese Club.

    This is a quote from last year's event..... obviously still in its infancy!
    Seems to be Harley-led........
    Hope to be there/support Sussex Air Ambulance as it's a local event [​IMG]
    #2 Bikerbabe, Apr 30, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2012
  3. also hope to be there :upyeah:
  4. Great Chris :biggrin: - look forward to seeing you before then, I hope!
  5. We both hope to be there too.
    Will put a reminder in my calendar!
    Thanks for info!

    PS : i wonder if this year BHB (Bury Hill Bikers) will do a charity ride for the air ambulance too... As it was good fun last time!
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