Cheap little car I need so C2

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Question to car mechanics here.

    How much is a service to change cam-belts and any other belts on Citroen C2 1.4 Petrol? I believe they are to be changed every 70k or 10y so one way or another unless I find a car that had it done I will have to do it within a year.

    Suggestions on cost?

    The rest of servicing seems to be cheap (100 for yearly, 200 for one every 2y).
  2. We use them at work for cutting about in the factory, nothing but trouble and cost us a fortune but they are on contract so stuck with them for another year (had them for 4). I think we have about 50, rubbish in my opinion. Totally changed my mind about Citroen.
  3. Interesting as from what I been reading about they seemed on top for reliability in cheap small car market.
    Option two is something cheap that brakes or stupidly expnesive that brakes a bit less.
  4. I would normally rent a car as I will not do more then 1000 miles a year in it but problem is that most of the time I need a car last minute and then rental is not cheap. This year alone I spent already 200GBP in car rental alone.
  5. My missus has had a C2 VTS 1.6 for about 4 years. Nothings gone wrong except the horn stopped working for a bit. I have looked on youtube re the belt change and it looks very easy to do. For a town car its terrible, rock hard suspension, no damping on he rear, small wheels. Jerky. But its ours and paid for and only does 2000 miles a year. Looks pretty nice.
  6. We bought a C1 as a runabout & for my daughter to learn to drive. 1000cc three cylider Toyota engine, £20 road tax per year. If you go for a VTR+ you get a rev counter & air-con. It's a great little car, I enjoy driving it.
  7. C1 does look cool but frankly it seems to be twice the price for a good one over C2 and C2 is bigger.

    My main use will be transporting stuff including bike parts and I already used that car to transport engine in the back for example.
  8. not expensive job as t.belts go. only thing expensive job i have done on them is the bsi units.
  9. Wtf are bsi units?
  10. Googled it BSI is the entire electronic unit with ECU right?

    Was the job expensive or unit when you had to replace it as plenty about on ebay and so on for next to nothing, some with warranty.
  11. if you havent seen one before the diagnostic could be. if i remember the unit was about 200 about an hour to change. but i wouldn't worry about it to much the chances of every one having a problem is slim.
  12. I had a C2 company car when they were first released, i hated it. it was in and out of the garage constantly to have things sorted out.

    they have been in production for a while now though so i'm sure they have ironed most of the bugs out.
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