1260 Cheapest &expensive Upgrade

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by manxxl, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. 1st job painted a lacquered Brembo logo.
    2nd job raided savings of £1600 and put Termngoni exhaust on


    #1 manxxl, Jul 14, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
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  2. What was the first then?

    Surely the cheapest mod 0n any multi is the 50p spring to remove the flapper valve ;)
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  3. I would get some protection on the clutch cover, Rhino tape or 3M if you look close you will see wear marks already!!
  4. I'm guessing red paint on the base brakes?
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  5. Yes red paint and lacquer to the calipers.
  6. I washed the bike. Does that count?
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  7. No, washing does though :)
  8. @manxxl if you'd of listed/explained what you actually did, I think more people would of joined in on this thread.

    I suspect the first item at £5 were replace the brake bolts with stainless ones. Well, I was wrong about the first item.
  9. BA85A735-BA68-434B-875E-B675F5AE6171.jpeg I’m particularly impressed with my crash bungs, not only were they free, but they’re a great conversation piece.
    They are ‘Edge’ skateboard wheels, some 8mm threaded bar, some plastic spacers and 4 dome-headed nuts.
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